Buenas!!! Vuelvo despues de unos dias de ausencia casi obligada :) y es que hay momentos en los que los dias deberian de tener 95 horas o asi para que de tiempo a poder hacer todo lo que uno debe, supongo que os pase a muchas verdad?
Lo importante es que estamos de vuelta y volvemos con una tienda online nueva para enseñados como es Dresslink, de la cual me encanto este vestido blanco, sobre todo sus tirantes, que son los que le marcan la diferencia con cualquier otro vestido blanco que te puedas encontrar. Para combinarle decidí meterle un color camel tanto en bolso como en sandalias, las sandalias de flecos de zara que tanto estan gustando este verano. Por otro lado los complementos en las muñecas se limitan a mi nuevo reloj automático de Jord, directamente desde USA y que si os fijais es tan original como que está fabricado en madera, el material tan de moda últimamente en toda clase de complementos. El tamaño del diseño es perfecto y no, no pesa nada!
Besos a todos!
Hi! I return after a few days :) almost a forced absence but sometimes times days should have 95 hours to be able to do everything you should, I guess you have the same situation sometime, do you?
The important thing is that we're back and we return with a new online store as Dresslink, I select this lovely white dress, especially his suspenders, which are those that make the difference with any other white dress that you can find. For wearing it I decided to stick a camel color in both bag and sandals, fringed sandals from Zara so trendy this summer. Special mention to my new automatic watch from Jord, directly from USA so original that it´s made of wood, the material so fashionable lately in all kinds of accessories. The size of the design is perfect and it weighs nothing! Next I´ll talk about it.
Kisses to everyone!
Hi! I return after a few days :) almost a forced absence but sometimes times days should have 95 hours to be able to do everything you should, I guess you have the same situation sometime, do you?
The important thing is that we're back and we return with a new online store as Dresslink, I select this lovely white dress, especially his suspenders, which are those that make the difference with any other white dress that you can find. For wearing it I decided to stick a camel color in both bag and sandals, fringed sandals from Zara so trendy this summer. Special mention to my new automatic watch from Jord, directly from USA so original that it´s made of wood, the material so fashionable lately in all kinds of accessories. The size of the design is perfect and it weighs nothing! Next I´ll talk about it.
Kisses to everyone!